How long does Apple support iPhones

 If you’re an Apple fan, you probably don’t think about your phone’s warranty very often. After all, Apple is such a great company, it will take care of you and your device, right? Well, the truth is that Apple has a pretty tight grip on its warranty policy, and while it does offer some coverage for most incidents and issues, it doesn’t cover everything.

This means that if something goes wrong with your iPhone beyond the normal wear and tear, you’ll need to take care of it yourself.

A few years ago, Apple was synonymous with iPhone. Today, the tech powerhouse is synonymous with extended warranty. While the majority of consumers only purchase their iPhone through the carrier they are with, some may find themselves in a dire situation when their phone needs repair. Their first instinct would be to head to the carrier, but is that the best decision for their phone?
If your iPhone is not working properly, and you’re not sure why, it might be time to get in touch with an Apple Genius.

The company has a long history of supporting its customers’ products, and even after you’ve purchased your new iPhone, you can still receive 24/7 phone support, which includes answers to questions about your device, troubleshooting and repair, and other perks.

If you need help right away, you can schedule an appointment at an Apple Retail Store or through You can also find in-depth knowledge base articles, videos, and other resources on the site.
When your phone needs fixing, you usually call the manufacturer. At most, you’ll get an RMA number and a handful of instructions. But if your phone breaks on Apple’s side of things, the company will make things right. The first thing an Apple technician will do when you call is determine if your phone is eligible for warranty service.
The question of how long Apple will support your iPhone is one that frequently comes up. While some people are satisfied with the length of their warranty, others want to know how long they can expect their phone to continue to work without needing to be repaired.

In this article, we will discuss the current warranty and support plans that Apple offers for iPhones and explain how long you can expect your phone to continue to work without needing to be repaired.


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